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Young har funnet nøkkelen til arkivet
Datum: 2008-07-24

Platebransjens lengstlevende såpeserie, utgivelsen av Neil Youngs »Archive«- boks, har de siste ukene vært gjenstand for ytterligere omdreininger.

En periode ble det hevdet at »Archive« bare skulle tilgjengeliggjøres i Blue Ray-format.
Nå er nyheten at retro-utgivelsen, som skal dekke perioden 1963-1972, også vil slippes på de gammeldagse formatene CD og DVD.

Young sier følgende til Billboard i sakens anledning;

»Blu-ray is the future. It sounds the best, the navigating system is the best. I've made a lot of CDs and we've made a lot of DVDs, and Blu-ray technology is so far superior to anything else. The fact there aren't many players out there now doesn't meant that much to me, because it is the future, so I would rather focus on what's next. If you were to get a Blu-ray of the 'Archive,' you would get the best.«

Young is also confident that the next volume of the »Archive« series will come in short order.
»We've developed the platform. We have the format. We have everything together to do it. It just took 15 years to develop this platform and also to wait for technology that was strong enough for the platform to stand on.«

Young er ventet til Skandinavia for konserter i august.

Läs mer om Young, Neil

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