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Aspinall forlater Apple Corps.
Datum: 2007-04-13

Neil Aspinall har arbeidet for The Beatles i over 45 år. Det er derfor en rockhistorisk begivenhet når den mytiske Apple Corp-bakmannen nå sier takk for seg. Aspinall erstattes av Jeff Jones, mannen som ofte krediteres for å ha bygget SonyBMGs katalogavdeling (Legacy) til en av musikkbransjens sterkeste og mest profilerte.

Det spekuleres umiddelbart om Jones overtagelse av sjefsstolen hos Apple vil føre til en sårt tiltrengt oppdatering av The Beatles CD-katalog, som, kort sagt, er i elendig forfatning.

Her er Apple Corps pressemelding i forbindelse med overgangen;

»Apple Corps Ltd announces the appointment of Jeff Jones as new Chief Executive Officer and the departure of Neil Aspinall.

Apple welcomes Jeff, who comes with over 30 years experience in the music business with a brilliant record. He leaves his position of Executive Vice President, Legacy Recordings/Sony BMG Catalog Worldwide where he has been since 1995.

Apple also announces the departure of Neil Aspinall, who had been with John, Paul, George and Ringo for a spectacular 40 plus years, during which he played an indispensable role for the four. He was there since the inception of the band in Liverpool and has meant so much to the Beatles' family for all these years and still does. However, he has decided to move on. Apple as a whole, and each member of this company, wishes him great success in whatever endeavor he chooses to pursue in the future.«

Läs mer om Beatles, The

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