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Augies tagenter
Datum: 2006-11-28

Mange skandinaver har et sterkt forhold til Augie Meyers og hans orgel, ikke minst fra hans mange år med Sir Douglas Quintet. i disse dager er Augie ute med nytt album, »My Freeholies Ain´t Free Anymore«. Foreløpig bare som import?

Meyers har fans høyt opp i rockverdenen og har bl.a. spilt på plater med Bob Dylan. Her er hva Bob har å si om organisten fra Texas:

»Augie's my man. He's like an intellectual who goes fishing using bookworms. Seriously though, he's the shining example of a musician, Vox player or otherwise, who can break the code. His playing speaks volumes. Speaks in tongue actually. He can bring a song, certainly any one of mine, into the real world. I've loved his playing going all the way back to the Sir Doug days when he was featured and dominant. What makes him so great is that internally speaking, he's the master of syncopation and timing. And this is something that cannot be taught. If you need someone to get you through the shipping lanes and there's no detours, Augie will get you right straight through….Augie's your man.«

Läs mer om Meyers, Augie

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