Watson, Dale - Carryin' On

If you've ever lamented the demise of true country music, take heart. Dale Watson is carryin' on the tradition in a most classy way. Murder may have been committed »down on Music Row,« but country music is doing quite well in Texas thank you. You won't be able to take this cd out of your player and you may feel the need to plan a road trip just so you can listen to »Hey Brown Bottle« loop. On the other hand, you'll also feel like dancing when track 12 rolls around, the »Don't Wanna Go Home Song.« There's a bit of Glen Campbell in here and a touch of Elvis, but a whole lof of Dale Watson's heart. The production is stellar and the musicians top of the line. I love this man's music. I send out Dale Watson alerts to friends when I know he's coming to their local honky tonk. I also have his »Promiseland« and »Whisky or God« cds, along with most all of his older ones.
Skrivet av Håkan Olsson