Sahm, Doug - Get A Life

It's true - this is the SDQ '98 album under a different name, but this one is available, unlike SDQ '98. I've seen that one sell for up to $50 for whatever reason. If you like Doug Sahm, then you'll like this disc. Doug covers tex-mex, rock, country, and some 50s rhythm and blues. He works with old pal Augie Myers on most of the tracks and Austin group The Gourds on a couple others. Of special note is the track »Give Back the Key to my Heart,« covered a few years earlier by Uncle Tupelo and done here with some great piano licks by Augie. The tune »Get a Life« rocks and is very catchy; even my pal who doesn't like roots music much enjoyed that song. All in all, a very good CD and one that you can find without much trouble, unlike SDQ '98
Skrivet av Håkan Olsson