Hellwood - Chainsaw of Life

Hellwood is Johnny Dowd, Jim White, and Willie B; three distinct songwriter/musicians brought together by years of friendship, mutual respect, and camaraderie. Recorded in a cabin in central New York, in a room with walls covered in newspaper clippings of musician obituaries, Chainsaw of Life is something greater than the sum of its already compelling parts. Taken as a whole, it transcends the trio's individual output for accessibility. Johnny Dowd's grizzlier edges have been tempered. Jim White's intricate soundscapes have been knocked about and roughed up. Willie B's instrumental exotica has been dragged out of the closet and onto the street. Welcome to Hellwood . . . Roots music may never be the same again. 12 tracks including 'Thank You Lord', 'A Man Loves His Wife' and 'Spider In The Bed'. 2006.
Skrivet av Håkan Olsson