Dixie Chicks - Top of the World Tour Live

A Dixie Chicks in-the-round stadium concert is a visually bold and captivating enterprise, one quickly discovers watching Top of the World Tour. An unusual record of the rousing band's 2003 sweep through giant North American venues, Top of the World freely mixes and matches images culled from multiple shows, demonstrating how Natalie Maines, Emily Robison, and Martie Maguire electrify cavernous spaces as surely as they do smaller ones. Still, size doesn't matter where the Chicks' full-bodied, engaging bluegrass, anthemic country pop, and flat-out rock is concerned. »Longtime Gone« and »Tortured, Tangled Hearts« sound like the polished but authentic roots music one expects from the Chicks. »If I Fall You're Going Down with Me« is a flavorful rocker, while the feminist anthem »Wide Open Spaces« still gets women hopping in the aisles. In a quieter vein, the moody, powerful »Godspeed (Sweet Dreams)« hushes the masses like nothing else. --Tom Keogh
Skrivet av Håkan Olsson