Kennedys - Evolver
The Kennedys simultaneously break new ground for themselves and return to their first loves on this unusual recording. Featuring all new material that sports throw-back sounds to '60s, '70s, and early '80s pop, this is a gem of a find for anyone who's a fan of true pop music. From Beach Boys-like harmonies to Beatlesesque guitar sounds, this percussion-driven music will sound like something you might have heard on any pop radio station in the mid-'70s, except it has that distinctive stamp that only Pete and Maura Kennedy can give it. Evolver continues their tradition of presenting intelligent pop that hides its dark core under a fine coating of cotton candy. »Keep the Place Clean« features a not uncreepy stalker who has been following a woman around while she runs her errands, fantasizing that he could lure her into staying with him and cleaning his house. »Never Learn« sounds like a love song, but ends ambiguously. The sweet, clear vocals of Maura Kennedy keep everything subversively happy and the band plays along as a well balanced, fluid unit.
Skrivet av Håkan Olsson