Anger, Darol - Generation Nation

På »Generation Nation« tar fiolmästare Darol Anger och hans suveräna band Republic of Strings — gitarristen Scott Nygaard och ungdomarna Rushad Eggleston (cello) och Brittany Haas (fiol)— ett nytt grepp på den stil som går under benämningen “New Acoustic Music”. Här finns en rad influenser och inspirationskällor — allt från skandinavisk folkmusik till Ornette Coleman och Aretha Franklin.

Gäster: Tristan Clarridge, Aoife O’Donovan, Marsha Genensky, Samson Griaman, Josh Pinkham, Terry Pinkham och Chris Webster.

“Darol Anger is the quintessential improvising violinist.”
— Dr. Bill Taylor, CBS Sunday Morning

“Nobody in the fiddle world has found himself on the front edge of progressive acoustic music as often as Darol Anger.”
— Fiddler Magazine

“Darol is one of those players who likes it when the music becomes indescribable. He benefits from not being pigeonholed. I have always loved Darol's approach to music— the soulful qualities of his appreciation for the roots of things.”
— Mark O'Connor
Skrivet av Håkan Olsson
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