Leftover Salmon - Live

Some groups do their best work in the studio, meticulously overdubbing tracks to create the illusion of a cohesive sound. On Live, a collection of songs recorded at various concerts in 2001, the jam band Leftover Salmon conclusively demonstrate that they are not one of those bands. When guitarist-mandolin player Drew Emmitt starts trading licks with banjo player Mark Vann and keyboardist Bill McKay, supported by the polyrhythmic drumming of Jose Martinez and the low-down, funky bass of Greg Garrison, LOS let you know that the stage is their true home and improvisation their native tongue. The band calls its sound »polyethnic Cajun slamgrass,« a term that aptly describes the complexity of tunes like the Celtic-tinged »Dark Green Thing« and the super-charged bluegrass of John Hartford's »Steam Powered Aereo Plane.« Sadly, Mark Vann passed away on March 4, 2002, and the band has dedicated this recording to him. It would be difficult to imagine a more fitting tribute to his adventurous musical spirit than this collection of recordings. --Michael Simmons
Skrivet av Håkan Olsson
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