Harding, John Wesley - Awake

The new Appleseed edition and repackage of Awake includes the entire album and five extra tracks. Well, four extra tracks, since »Wooden Overcoat« is now »unhidden« and given its true place on the record, though it was always on there. The other four additions are a cover version of »Jackson Cage« by Bruce Springsteen, »I Just Woke Up« (the complete untampered-with version), »Punch'n'Judy« (an Awake out-take) and »Wreck on the Highway« (a duet with Bruce Springsteen, recorded live at McCabes... some, but not very many, of you may even have been at the show.) Awake has also been remastered and sounds better than ever.
Skrivet av Håkan Olsson